Wednesday 12 November 2014

Quite probably my most obnoxious blog ever... my "if you want to buy me a gift" list

Okay, so you may think this is seriously crazy but I can never remember any of the things I like when someone says... What do you want for Christmas or your birthday because, to be absolutely honest, I believe in being satisfied with what you have.

I get super-fuming with the whole materialist media shunt around this time of year and I try to teach my children to be happy with what they've got. So, if you've got a phone that works and it takes pictures and sends messages... you don't need a new one.

It's usually times like these when I'm sitting at home and it's November, and everything is running out, and I have both my boys birthdays in this month and I've bought them prezzies (only one nice one each) that I realise that my really nice body butter is getting finished, and my underwear is really worn out, and my deodorant is only going to last 2 more weeks (I hope), and I need a new compression corset for my back...  I'm going to have to wait for my Christmas bonus to get a new one...  there goes my new computer... and my next birthday is 38... a really funny age, nothing special but shockingly close to 40 for some odd reason. And I think of all the things I should have put on my Christmas and Birthday list... so what the heck, I'm going to write it right here for all the world to see!

  1. A new laptop: Lenovo I7 processor, more than 4GB RAM.. or a macbook pro ... a girl can dream
  2. A new compression corset... or 2. Not the most elegant of garments, and certainly doesn't look like lingerie but my back will love you for it. In fact if you're ever looking for the ultimate on how to pull yourself towards yourself, this would be it. But they really help my back, and it's not just my back that's worn out at the moment.  Compression Health up in JHB import them. 
  3. Body Shop stuff that I use: like a whole year's supply!... Tea tree face wash (my son shares it), Tea tree shower gel, Shea butter/ginger/brazil nut body butter, shea butter lip butter 
  4. Clothes... this requires taking me shopping
  5. Hmmmm... a life? I need to start doing things, so I could really use a hobby. Maybe an off-road power wheelchair? 
  6. A P.A. Yes, a personal assistant. Someone to do my filing and my photocopying and most of my admin, take my calls, fetch the kids, organise all that stuff. Wow! That would be awesome!

Okay then... if none of that fits your budget, I need

  • new towels in brown  (bath sheets, yes, I'm fussy)
  • interesting earrings... beaded ones, hand made
  • awesome clips for my hair
  • new sunglasses
If, for some reason, I actually remember that I posted this, and I come up with anything more... I'll add to it. But it will probably remain the same for the next few years. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday. And don't spend too much money... material stuff is just stuff.  

Monday 10 November 2014

reading books goes digital...

I do believe it is always a good idea to try something new. 

I've had a few firsts this year... 
... I start a blogg
... I got a rat
.. a whole bunch more stuff happened..
... I became the mother of a teenager
So I went on a new foray this month... well actually, I popped into a course on digital storytelling when I had an odd spare moment and this is what I eventually came up with... It's my firstest ever try, but I think it may have lit a spark and I may try my hand at a few more... you never know.... I had fun.. the kids had fun and maybe in the next holiday, we'll make another one.